Electric air heater type LEH-K

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Product inquiry

The electrical air heater type “LEH-K” is developed for heating of gaseous media. Through its variable design concept there are various application possibilities.
The application of highly compacted electrical heating elements with high purity compacted magnesium oxide powder sheathed metal tube and the direct heat transfer at the medium to be heated leads to an efficient realization of the electric energy to thermal energy.

Features for electric air heater type LEH-K:

  • Process flange, electrical terminal box and duct made of Stainless Steel
  • Maximum load up to 5.000 kW
  • Suitable for operating temperatures up to +600°C
  • Operating pressure -0,02 / + 0,02 bar
  • Supply Voltage 230 V / 400 V ( up to 690 V if requested)
  • Electrical terminal box, IP 55 rating
  • Individual replaceable tubular elements
  • Metric cable glands for power and control
  • Inc. sensor system for saving the heating elements
  • Choice of built in process temperature sensors (mech. thermostat / Thermocouple / RTD) for controlling the medium temperature


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OhmEx - Your partner for industrial heaters

Contact now

OhmEx Industrielle Elektrowärme GmbH
Lützeltalerstraße 1
DE – 63868 Großwallstadt
Phone: +49 (0) 60 22 / 70 69 070

E-Mail: info@ohmex.de

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You are also welcome to contact our sales department directly:

Matthias Volz
Tel.: +49 (0) 60 22 / 70 69 072